Voice Alarm Systems, also known as Public Address Systems or Voice Evacuation Systems, are installed for the welfare and safety of the general public. A voice alarm system may consist of numerous amplifiers and speakers for increased volume or extensive distribution and a mixer to combine and swap multiple sources. These systems are designed to make public announcements. Such messages may be live or pre-recorded. Generally used as a component of an Emergency Communication System, voice alarm systems assist in effective information dissemination.
Use in Emergencies
In case of emergencies like fires, or safety threats, voice alarm systems help vacate the area quickly. These are also useful in other applications such as sports and in commercial offices to disseminate information quickly. Nowadays, voice alarm systems are also installed in academic institutions.
Emergency Voice Alarm System vs Regular Alarm System
Earlier in case of emergencies, the people confined in space would be informed of the crisis by standardised sirens or bells. The sound of bells and sirens incites more panic and fear which disrupts the effectiveness of evacuation, hence risking the lives of many. While the bells or sirens only communicate the message that there has been a crisis, voice alarm systems specify details and give directions. This feature reduces panic and guides people towards safety. Voice alarm systems announce coherent, step-by-step evacuation measures which can be followed even by untrained personnel.
To give one an idea of how voice alarm systems are much more compelling than sirens or bells, imagine a scenario of crisis and how individuals may react when a bell goes off. A few minutes may be wasted before the individuals realise the intensity of the situation. One may even have to announce to vacate the premises after the sound of the siren. The panic goes up while people find a safe exit which delays the process of evacuation. Any delay during a crisis is the last thing one wants to experience.
Effectiveness of Voice Alarm Systems
Now, assess the same situation by replacing sirens or bells with a voice alarm system. As soon as the crisis occurs, the voice alarm system informs the people and instructs them to vacate. The spoken word holds command over the people which ensures quick evacuation. Research conducted by the British Standards Association (BSI) concludes that individuals hearing a tone signal take more than six minutes to evacuate an unfamiliar building, while those hearing a recorded message will vacate the property in around four minutes.
Voice Alarm Systems & Phased Evacuation
One of the biggest advantages of installing a voice alarm system is that it helps implement a phased evacuation. Phased evacuation simply means allocating different routes of exit to different groups of people to avoid crowding or blockage. In case of emergencies in high-rise buildings, a phased evacuation is the safest method to evacuate people. Expecting everyone on the property to vacate will lead to unnecessary and unsafe crowding and blockage. Instead, a phased evacuation implemented through voice alarm systems helps to control the evacuation process.
The Takeaway
Commercial buildings, huge housing complexes and academic institutions can make good use of a voice alarm system. It has also been proven that a voice alarm system or Public Address Systems is one of the fastest and safest methods to evacuate people. Apart from situations of crisis and emergencies, voice alarm systems can also be used to make day-to-day announcements. Global Security Systems can help your workplace be secure from such threats. With our advanced Voice Alarm Systems, you can also make general announcements throughout your office.